MEXT Knowledge Custer Initiative Toyama / Ishikawa Region

Hokuriku Innovation Cluster for Health Science
Aiming for a Knowledge Cluster Initiative
In the Toyama/Ishikawa region, as the first stage of the Knowledge Cluster Initiative Project, the Toyama medical bio cluster and the Ishikawa High Tech Sensing Cluster project have been launched. Based on results up till now, in an effort to accelerate the development of clusters, from 2008--as the second stage of the Knowledge Cluster Initiative Project—we will implement the Hokuriku Innovation Cluster for Health Science.

Points about the 'Knowledge Cluster'
Accumulation of 'Wisdom' and 'personnal'
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The outlook of the Hokuriku Innovation Cluster for Health Science
Along with constructing a globally competitive Life Science R&D Hub, and extending research findings to machinery industries and pharmaceutical industries in both prefectures, this knowledge cluster will also form international medical equipment and pharmaceutical industries.
Additionally, through the fusion of both prefectures’ tourism and food industries, this program will create a wide range of health related industries.
The outlook of the Hokuriku Innovation Cluster for Health Science
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The Hokuriku Industrial Advancement Center