Website Policy

Copyright and any other rights for the articles, text, pictures etc. presented on this website is, in principle, owned by the Hokuriku Industrial Advancement Center Knowledge Cluster Headquarters or the original author or other entitled person. Use of or amendment of this material without prior consent is prohibited.

Information published on this website
Care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of all information published on this website; however we acknowledge that some information may be incomplete or contain mistakes. Therefore we cannot be held liable for any problems that result from the use of information published on this website.
The company reserves the right to revise, change or delete any information without prior notice.
Other websites linked to from this website are subject to their own terms and conditions of use.

Please contact the Hokuriku Industrial Advancement Center Knowledge Cluster Promotion Section if you wish to set a link to this site.
Please note that your request may be turned down in the following cases:
♦ If there is a fear of negative impact, socially or economically, on the group.
♦ If there is a fear that a site is offensive to public decency.
♦ If the display etc. of the frame from which the link originates in any way misrepresents the company’s website.

Handling of personal information
1. Collection and use of personal information
Use of personal information will be made clear and will be acquired from individuals through legitimate means.
2. Handling of personal information
Personal information will always be managed correctly and never be passed on to any third party without the prior consent or in accordance with certain laws. Statistical data such as the connection status of this website may be made but even in this case, personal information will not be disclosed or announced to any third party.
Please note that questionnaires, presentations, etc. may be offered to persons who have previously exchanged business cards with employees of the group or taken part in seminars or lectures Additionally, any personal information given in correspondence through email to the company may be forwarded to relevant departments and other personnel who may be required to clarify content or carry out investigations related to such enquiries. However, even in such cases, personal information will only be managed by the absolute minimum necessary number of personnel and will never be made available or disclosed to any third parties without prior approval.
The company accepts to responsibility for personal information provided on external websites linked to from this website. Please refer to each external link’s own personal information handling policy.